? 精简内容,删去多余字句,简洁明了
? 以质取胜,加强突显女士优点,具体说明
? 以不同角度包装女士个人特点
? 优化相片质量
? 针对彼此感情世界
? 多些善用不同手法,应用“5W1H” ,即:
Where - 女士居住/工作/出身的地方,如:这个地方的特色,这个地方所享有的盛誉?这个地方对她的意义在那里?女士在这个地方待了多久?女士喜欢/不喜这个地方的原因?
When - 如:女士何时曾经想拥有爱情?她有多久没有拍拖?她的年纪?这些对于她自己本身的意义在那里?
What - 如女士的工作?女士的兴趣是甚么?具体详情是怎样?若女士喜欢看电影,她喜欢的是那一套电影,那一位演员,为甚么?若是关于自己的工作?她有没有一个愿景及志愿?这些对她自己的意义及重要性是甚么? 为甚么?她过去有没有一些鲜为人知或特别的经历?
Why - 如:为甚么女士想寻找伴侣?为甚么不在国内寻找而要选出嫁去外国?万一她真的到异地寻找新生活,她怎样确保自己能够适应当地的文化/语言不同?
Who - 如:女士希望找一个怎样的人?性格是怎样?这个人可以为她自己做甚么?她又会愿意怎样为这个人付出?女士自己的家庭是怎样?
How - 如:她怎样跟别的女士不同?这是否她的人生观?她的宗教?她的职业?她的外表?还是她的兴趣?还是她自己的民族背景?这些对女士的重要性是甚么?
“ 年龄段:20-30岁
Hello, 大家好。我是Angel,生长在一个海边城市--XX。人们常常认为天使是 纯洁的,甜美的,热心的,她可以给人带来幸福和照亮人们的生活。但是我只想成为你的”Angel“,分享你的生活、给你我全部的爱,让你可以在我的怀抱中找到安慰。
Well, this is a whole new experience for me. This is where i'm supposed to say how fantastic i am and how you'd be a fool not to contact me but I'm not actually into selling myself in any shape or form, ;) however I'm a fun girl whose interests include working with animals, singing, the gym, long walks and good music.
I love mini adventures, weekends away and random nights out. I wouldn't that say I'm That into clubbing but I do enjoy a good dance every now and then. I think being 25 now the clubbing scene seems to get younger and younger, so I'm more of a bar with a dancefloor type of girl..
I'm currently doing my veterinary nurse training and it's going really well, I love animals and have always wanted to work with them in a professional capacity and hopefully with my qualification I'll be able to work with more endangered species. I volunteer at a big cat sanctuary but due to my work/training I've not been able to get there as often as I'd like to.
Before I began working in the vets I was an actress/singer/model in various shows/gigs and shoots but decided to put that on hold so that I could further my education as it can be an unreliable career choice. I do hope to get back into it in the near future and I do still perform in pubs and clubs every now and then.
I hope this has given you some insight about the type of person I am, without sending you to sleep. :) .x.x.(由于女士写得也颇长,故此女士也说笑,希望男士不要睡着)
I love people that can make me laugh and also make me feel comfortable around them.
So I'm looking for a fun, funny and adventurous kind of man who isn't afraid to step out of his comfort zone. Someone who can inspire me and grab my full attention. If he's good looking that also helps and a gorgeous Welsh accent would be a bonus! hee hee